United States Heraldic
Registry, number
20061025F, 25th
October,2006; Registro
Internacional de Armas
Gentilicias-RIAG, Spain,
number P-00000128-2007,
23rd January 2007.
Academia Asturiana de
Heraldica y Genealogia,
Oviedo, Spain (8th
September, 2013).
Rendition of arms by
Andrew S. Jamieson.
Blasón: Partido de azur
y gules, y sobre el todo
un castillo de oro de
dos torres, surmontado
un búho del mismo metal
con las alas
desplegadas, cargando
sobre su pecho una pera
de azur; bordura
componada de veintidós
piezas de oro y gules,
cargadas estas últimas
de un copihue
floreciente, de oro.
Timbre: yelmo antiguo de
hidalgo, de acero
bruñido, sumado de un
burelete gules y oro, de
donde asoman tres plumas
de avestruz de los
colores rojo, oro y
azur, respectivamente.
Lambrequines: gules y
oro. Lleva por lema:
Sapere aude.
The arms represent
elements of the
ancestral origins of the
Perez de Buerres family
in Asturias Spain, from
where the armiger
descends from. The
armiger is Hidalgo jure
sanguinis of Spain,
Knight of Grace of the
Sacra Military
Constantinian Order of
Saint George (Royal
House of Bourbon Due
Sicily, Italy), Knight
of the Royal Corps of
the Asturian Nobility,
Spain [ Real Cuerpo de
la Nobleza del
Principado de Asturias],
Knight of the Royal
Military Establishment
of the Nobility of
Gerona, Spain [Real
Estamento Militar del
Principado de Gerona],
Knight of Yuste (Spain),
Knight Grand Cross of
the Order of Saint
Michael of the Wing
(Portugal) and Count of
Monte Alea del Sella by
letter patents from the
Royal House of Georgia.
The armiger was born in
Valdivia, Chile in 1960
to Jose Esteban Perez
Ramirez (b 1912,
Valdivia, Chile and
Maria Rosenda Ramirez
Vasquez (b 1936, San
Carlos, Chile).
Grand father: Jose Ramon
Perez y Perez (b 1884,
Monte Alea, Arriondas,
G. Grand father: Calixto
Perez Pando (b 1862, La
Vita, Arriondas)
G.G.Grand father: Jose
C. Perez Isla (b in
Collia, Arriondas on
G.G.G. Grand father:
Manuel Antonio Perez del
Valle (b in Collia,
Arriondas 8-05-1786).
G.G.G.G. Grand father:
Manuel Antonio Perez
Sanchez (b in Collia
G.G.G.G.G. Grand father:
Nicolas Antonio Perez de
Buerres (b in Collia
G.G.G.G.G.G. Grand
father: Francisco
Antonio Perez de Buerres
(b in Asturias, ca1680)
generations of Perez de
Buerres from Francisco
Antonio Perez de Buerres
to Manuel Antonio Perez
Valle were recognized as
Hidalgos, as noted in in
the Padrones de Parres
from 1703 to 1804,
Asturias, Spain.
Heirs to the arms are
Alejandro. B. and Ariana
G. Perez-Castells.
The armiger works in the
industry. His
professional interests
are in the research and
development of proteins
as therapeutic agents.
He is Licenciado en
Ciencias Biologicas from
the Universidad Austral
de Chile; M.Sc in
Biochemistry, Medical
College of Virginia;
Ph.D. in Biochemistry
University of Missouri
and completed a
post-doctoral fellowship
in physical biochemistry
of proteins at Brandeis
University. He has
worked in several
positions of increasing
responsibility within
the biopharmaceutical
industry and is
currently a Senior
Scientific Director. His
field of expertise is
interactions, structure-
function of proteins in
solution and development
of formulations for
therapeutic proteins. He
is also Adjunct
Professor in the
Department of Biomedical
engineering at Tufts
University in
Massachusetts, USA and
Honorary professor at
the University of
The armiger is a member
of several scientific
societies including: the
New York Academy of
Sciences, American
Society for Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology
(ASBMB), Spanish Society
for Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology,
Pan-American Association
for Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology
(PABMB), The Federation
of American Societies
for Experimental Biology
(FASEB), Fellow of the
Royal Society for the
Arts (FRSA), and elected
Fellow of the Royal
Society of Chemistry of
England. He is also
Scientific Advisor for
the Institute for
International Research
(IIR-USA) and IBC-Life
Sciences. He has
published several
research articles, book
chapters and is the
co-inventor of several