is a combination coat of
arms: the blue lion
rampant with a forked
tail from the Count of
Mortain was attested in
France before the
Conquest of Britain in
1066 and the Silver
Frettes of the Earl of
Eu were also issued in
France before the
Conquest. The Earl
commemorated his Viking
ancestry with the
diamond pattern of the
early Viking sails from
the Gotland area of
held land in the
Pevensey and Hastings
Rapes under both these
lords just after the
Conquest together with
Bugsell Manor at
Salehurst in Sussex and
therefore in effect were
also guarding the escape
route for William the
Conqueror should it have
been necessary. Boxells
were required to clear
and control the Anderida
(Pevensey) Forest and
the Ashdown Forest for
the Kings hunting. They
held Bugsell Manor for
over 400 years together
with divers Manors
reference to
Boxell/Boxall name is as
Anglo Saxon Thegns in
765AD at Lindfield
Sussex. Sir Alleyne de
Buxhulle (Boxell) was
Constable of the Tower
of London, Lord
Chamberlain of England
and a Knight of the
Garter under Edward III
- he bore the same arms
and he also held the
castle of St Saveur le
Vicompte in France
during the 100 years war
and was chief of the
captains under Sir
Robert Knollys.